These Mesh Heads are a New Douro Material and Coated with Silicon for strength that has the feel of a traditional Mylar Head.
This is a real break thru in Mesh Head Technology. Perfect for silent practicing.
The heads will fit all acoustic drums, and comes in the following sizes. 16”, 18”, 20”, & 22”.
These heads are not like any Mesh Heads you have played before.
The material is a brand new single ply heavy duty mesh with a Condura Nylon Patch that won’t wear out.
"Even if you’re a heavy hitter”. Please note Patches NOT Included
”These Heads Can Take It”.
Try Them Out! You’ll be amazed how durable and how much they play and feel like traditional drum heads.
"If You Wear Thru These Heads Your Hitting To Hard”
These Heads are exclusively made for Billy Blast Drums