Billy Muffs Practice Pads & Mesh Heads
Lets you play drums with tone but at lower volumes. Just place the pads on your drums and cymbals. Set includes 12", 13", and 16" tom pads; standard 14" snare pad; crash cymbal pad; ride cymbal pad; 2 hi-hat pads (one for between and one for on top);
Billy's Mesh Heads "Please Note That
Shipping Prices of Any
International Orders Must be Quoted.”

"Perfect For You E-Drummers"
The Top Material Never Touches The Bottom Material Due to the Trueran Poplin Sandwiched Between the Top & Bottom Material for a much quieter playing experience. These Heads are Perfect for E-Drumming 

Double Ply Ballistech I Black Mesh Heads
Perfect for silent practicing and E-Drumming. The heads will fit all acoustic drums, and comes in the following sizes.10,12,13,14,16”, 20”, 22”.
You Now Have The Option!
I am now offering my Ballistech I Double ply Black Mesh Heads .
Please remember that if you are a heavy hitter it's better to use nylon tipped sticks.
All the Ballistech I Double ply Heads are now available .
"Please Note” All Previous Ballistech Mesh Head orders are NOT to be replaced with Heads that have already been purchased. "So Don’t Ask!”
"All Drum Heads Ship USPS Post Office" 